Get a noble guide on cPU…
Is VR More GPU or CPU Intensive? (Explained)
VR relies on the GPU to run programs, making it more GPU intensive. Consider the VR headset to be a new display (monitor) that is attached to your face and has additional functions. Because only certain GPUs have the requisite hardware to run VR, a specific tier of GPU is required. Playing Zenith or…
CPU is an Input or Output Device? (Explained)
The central processing unit, or CPU, is a processing device rather than an input or output device. The CPU is a computer’s brain, and the system would not function without it. It sends and receives data but is not considered an input or output device because its primary function is to process data and…
Does CPU thermal paste make a difference? (Explained)
Yes, because it allows your CPU to transport more of its waste heat to your cooler, a good thermal paste can have a significant impact on your performance. Choosing the best thermal paste is particularly vital if you intend to overclock your system to its maximum potential. Assume your computer has been running exceptionally…
How Much Gold made up a CPU? (Explained)
Did you realize that computer CPUs contain gold? You undoubtedly do, considering you’re already asking how much gold is in a computer CPU! Because gold is a good conductor and very malleable, it is used in the pins, caps, and internal wiring of processors. However, you will only acquire small amounts of gold from…
What Are the differences between multicore and multiprocessor? (Explained)
The primary distinction between multicore and multiprocessor is that the former refers to a single CPU with several execution units, whilst the latter refers to a system with two or more CPUs. A multicore CPU contains numerous cores or processing units. A multiprocessor is made up of several CPUs. Multicore and multiprocessor systems both serve…
CPU is a storage device or Not? (Explained)
Peripheral devices include storage devices such as hard discs. Yes, the CPU is the brain and major component of the computer, and all other devices are connected to the CPU via plugs and antennas, allowing various functions and operations to take place; thus, all devices other than the CPU are peripheral devices. What Are the…
CPU Can Be Placed Horizontally or Not? (Explained)
Yes, as long as you are not blocking any vents. CPUs are programmed to run in only one direction. However, there are a few exceptions where CPUs can be mounted horizontally. It enables more effective CPU cooling and positioning. While this technology is not extensively used, it is used by a few companies. It should…
How Much Performance Impact By CPU vs. Chipset PCIe 4? (Explained)
CPUs are chips that perform calculations and help run your computer. CPUs can be compared to the brain of your computer, which sends instructions to other parts of the system. Chippable processors are great for people who want more power for their money, but these processors can limit storage space and memory capacity. The PCIe…
Does VS Code Benefit From a Multicore CPU? (Explained)
A computer with multiple processors is called a multicore CPU. It’s a great way to get more out of your computer, but it can also make your life easier if you’re using VS Code. Visual Studio Code (often referred to as VS Code) is a cross-platform source code editor. It’s available for OSX, Windows, and…
Explore a bit more about Maingear’s new Data Science PC.(Explained)
How to use the new Maingear Data Science PC’s NVIDIA GPUs for machine learning (Explained) Deep Learning makes it possible for us to perform a variety of tasks that are similar to those performed by humans, but if you’re a data scientist who doesn’t work for one of the FAANG companies (or who isn’t creating…
Is CPU Usage Of 100% Bad, How Much is Ideal? (Explained)
There are PCs everywhere today, and the CPU is the one essential component that makes them work. Many individuals have questions about the operation of CPUs, the significance of these parts, and the typical CPU usage. These inquiries will be fully addressed in this article, along with several other CPU usage-related topics. Is CPU usage…
Which Is Faster RISC Or CISC? (Explained)
Which Is Faster RISC Or CISC? Processor architecture, which includes instruction set architecture, is required for the development of machine-level programs that carry out any mathematical or logical operations. An interface between hardware and software is provided by instruction set architecture. It gets the processor ready to carry out user-given actions like execution, deleting, etc.…
Is It better to cool CPU Than GPU with Water? (Explained)
Is It Hard To Cool CPU Than GPU Using Water? A type of cooling that you may use right away to cool your computer is water. CPUs were once simply cooled using liquids. Graphics cards should also have this option because they are increasingly more powerful today and need dependable cooling systems. Is CPU or GPU…
Is MacBook Worth it For working? Why & Why Not? (Explained)
Are you looking to purchase a new laptop and you are not sure whether a MacBook is the best choice for you? Most of the time determining whether a MacBook is worth the money might not be that easy as Apple products tend to be very expensive and they have built a massive fan base…
AMD Or Intel Which Processors Brand is Better For Your Devices (Explained)
Which Company’s Processors Are Better: AMD Or Intel? A phone, tablet, router, laptop, smart TV, or desktop PC all have central processing units (CPUs) at their core. It is responsible for managing all of the operating system’s (OS) operations, ensuring that everything runs smoothly, and enabling amazing feats of computing. Like the OS dispute, the…
Crucial things Before Purchasing a Gaming PC (Explained)
What to Think About Before Purchasing a Gaming PC. One of the finest methods to play the newest games at high resolutions and fantastic visual quality is on a gaming PC. When purchasing one, it might be challenging to know where to begin with so many brands and specs to take into account. This buying…
Are CPUs In Laptops And Desktops Similar? (Explained)
Are CPUs In Laptops And Desktops Similar? There are many similarities between laptops and desktops. However, in response to the query: The CPUs in laptops and desktops are different they do the same job though. Although the processors in both of these machines may be manufactured by the same firm, laptop CPUs are designed to…
What Is The Best Laptop To Buy for Under $200? (Revealed)
What Is The Best Laptop To Buy for Under $200?. We understand that currently, finding a laptop at pocket-friendly prices under $200 is very hard. Most laptop manufacturers are finding it hard for them to manufacture cheap laptops because it is said that there is a global chip shortage that is affecting the computer world.…
Should You Buy a Mac or a window PC For Computer Programming? (Explained)
Should I Buy a Mac or a PC for Computer Programming? Should I buy a Mac or a PC for computer programming? It is a common question among many programmers and some are not sure which one is the best than the other. Now in this article, I will break down everything you need to…
What are the reasons to not buy a MacBook? (Explained)
What are the reasons to not buy a MacBook? The Reasons not to buy MacBook Today, Mac and Windows are the leading platforms for almost all daily computing requirements. It is always hard to choose between the types as all of them are powerful on their own. Another thing that confuses a lot of people…
What Role Does a Processor Cache Play?(Explained)
What Role Does a Processor Cache Play? Everything moved much more slowly than it does now in the early days of computing. This was due in large part to the slow central processing units (CPUs) of the computers as well as the fact that memory was at a premium for performance. What Role Does a…
Why Use An FPGA Instead of a CPU or GPU? (Explained)
Why’s FPGA Instead of CPU or GPU? In the recent past, Intel purchased Altera, which is one of the largest producers of FPGAs. Intel company bought this at around $16.7 billion, making it their largest acquisition ever. On the other hand, Microsoft is using FPGAs in its data centers while Amazon on other hand is…
Why Do Developer Uses MacBooks For Coding than windows (Explained)
Why are MacBooks Better for Coding than Windows? Are you a programmer or thinking about doing programming? This could be a question running through your mind whether MacBooks are good for coding than windows. In daily life, you will hear different people saying why MacBooks are good for coding than windows, while others prefer windows…
For Engineering Students Are MacBooks The Best Computer? (Explained)
Are MacBooks Best For Engineering Students?. You may be asking whether or not a MacBook is a suitable laptop for an engineering student if you want to pursue a course in engineering. I can tell you openly that yes, a MacBook computer will solve everything for you as a student doing Engineering. I say this…
Should You Buy the Mac Mini Now or wait for upgrade available models?(Explained)
Should I Buy a Mac Mini Now?. Is this question going through your mind? I know this is one of the many questions that go through many people every day. Many people are not sure what kind of laptops they can buy so they use them in their daily lives. In this post, I will…
How Fast is single GPU Core compared to CPU Core? (Explained)
How fast is a single GPU core compared to a CPU core? While Central Processing Units (CPU) and Graphical Processing Units (GPU) share many similarities, they also differ significantly in terms of their functions and personality traits. The ability to compete with the market leaders, such as CPUs, has been made possible by technological breakthroughs,…
What’s Better For 4K Gaming MacBook Or Windows Computer? (Explained)
What Is A Better MacBook or Windows?. Are you considering purchasing a new computer for gaming or business but are unsure which model to pick? When we are presented with a bewildering array of the most lucrative possibilities, it occurs to the best of us. A handful of us have a taste for the ideal…
i5 12400 or Ryzen5 5600 CPU which is Better For Gaming and it Development? (Explained)
Which CPU Would Do Better For Game Development i5 12400 or Ryzen5 5600?. AMD’s most popular CPU is pitted against an Intel rival that retails for about $100 cheaper in the $199 Intel Core i5-12400 vs. $299 Ryzen 5 5600X competition. That may seem strange, but AMD stopped selling its Ryzen 5000 CPUs in the…
What Matters Most for PC Gaming: GPU or CPU?(Explained)
What Matters Most for PC Gaming: GPU or CPU? Some PC choices for gaming are simple. For instance, you should upgrade the storage space on your solid-state drive or hard disk drive, depending on the question you are asking. But some choices are considerably trickier to make than others. It is harder to determine whether…
MacOS or Windows which’s setting Complications? (Explained)
We have had a lot of comments, emails, and tweets come our way due to the comparison of macOS and Windows OS, but get this from us. People using one type of operating system are just not aware of what the other type of operating system has to offer, and some of them may want…
Difference Between Cache And Caches In Browsers (Explained)
What Is The Difference Between Cache And Caches In Browsers? By reducing the load it carries, the cache can give you what you’ve been looking for: a faster website. Caching functions as a website’s temporary memory to remember and store all the text, image, and content requests made by each visitor to the site. However,…
Should I Buy Mac From A Third Party Retailer or Apple Directly? (Explained)
Should you Buy a Mac from Third Party Retailer or from Apple Directly? Are you the kind of person who would like to buy a Mac from a third-party retailer or an authorized Apple store? For many, heading to an Apple outlet is always the best option because one will have to enjoy the Cupertino…
Questions & Answers On GPU vs CPU technology ( which one is better?)
Does GPU technology offer more benefits than CPU technology? Due to its parallel processing, the GPU operates at a substantially faster rate than the CPU. If they were manufactured in the same production year, GPU peak performance may be ten times that of CPUs. A GPU offers faster memory transfer and higher computational power. The…
Why Do Some Games Use CPU Far More Than Your GPU? (Explained)
It depends on the type of the game you play as well as the settings. It is generally accepted that if you want high FPS with your games, you must have a high-end graphics card. However, occasionally even the finest GPU will deliver sluggish graphics and a poor frame rate. If you consult a…
Which One Is The Best: 32 Or 64-Bit Windows? (Explained)
There are two versions of windows operating systems; there is a 32-bit and a 64-bit version. So where is the difference? To solve this question, we will have to look at compatibility and performance in general. For a 32-bit Windows operating system version, you will more likely to work with older hardware and software but…
Which OS Is Better For device Windows, Mac, or Linux? (Explained)
Which Operating System Is Better, Windows, macOS, or Linux is deal for your devices?, Are you looking forward to buying a computer or laptop and not sure the best operating system that is better? When it comes to operating systems, the three best choices are available on the market. Before we go further, let’s understand…
Best 4 Laptop Under $900 For Gaming and why? (Explained)
If you like playing computer games and looking for an affordable laptop that you can play computer games then you may want to check this out. When it comes to looking for a gaming laptop that is at least pocket friendly, there are factors that you to consider for you to achieve your dream of…
Do CPU Benchmarks Matter? (Explained)
Yes, CPU Benchmarks Matter. It is possible to get all types of benchmarking charts online, but do you have any idea what they mean? When you want to buy a laptop, a piece of PC hardware, or a smartphone, you will always want to find something good for your money. You can take a look…
Best Laptop to Buy Under $500 For Work, and Why (Explained)
What Is The Best Laptop to Buy Under $500 for Work, and Why? Are you looking for the best laptop under $500 for work? We understand that not everyone has the potential to buy expensive laptops such as MacBook that cost more than $1,000. In today’s guide, we are going to take you through some…
Is it Possible to use a NVIDIA GPU with a AMD CPU? (Explained)
Can you use a NVIDIA GPU with an AMD CPU? All of us would want our computers to work as smoothly as possible. There are many components that you will need to look at when building your PC to enhance its smooth running. For you to get good performance, you have to look for components…
Are MacBooks GPU Support Gaming? (Explained)
Are you a gaming lover and would like to know whether MacBooks are good for gaming purposes? Well, if you are looking forward to spending time on Apple gaming, you might think that it would be ridiculous. Even though Mac has always concentrated on creating devices that are for working purposes, they had to rethink…
Do CPU Perform More Like Human Brains? (Explained)
Computers can now beat people at games like chess, go, and even jeopardy. We are constantly seeing advancements in AI and ML, which makes us question if we will soon be living in a technological utopia or competing for survival with a cyborg Arnold Schwarzenegger. But the question keeps asking is “Do CPU Or GPU…
Pros and Drawbacks Of Windows OS On Your Devices (Explained)
Here is The pro and the drawbacks of the Windows Operating System on your devices you need to know of. Windows 7 is one of the most well-known and popular version of Microsoft Windows. A simple operating system with an order line interface was MS-DOS. Same to how MS-DOS operates as a tool in the…
Best Laptop To Buy Under $400 For Work,& Why? (Explained)
What Is The Best Laptop To Buy Under $400 For Work, Why? If you are looking for a laptop to buy for under $400 for work, then you should not worry anymore because there are plenty of options that you can choose from whether that is an i3 laptop or touch screen laptop depending on…
What Graphics Card is The Best With Intel Processor? (Explained)
What Graphics Card is The Best With Intel processor? Are you looking for a graphics card that is best with Intel? Well then, you will get your answer by the end of today’s guide. There are many graphics cards in the market and if not well researched, you might end up buying something you never…
Can multi Core CPU’s truly multitask? (Explained)
Can multi Core CPU’s truly multitask? The processor of a CPU is called a core. Every CPU back then had just one core that could concentrate on one task at a time. CPUs available today have between two and 18 cores, each of which is capable of doing a distinct task. That can have a…
How Are AI Processors Different From Normal CPUs & GPUs (Explained)
Here is How AI Processors Different From CPUs And GPUs. The IT sector has undergone many changes over the years, and “Artificial Intelligence” is the most recent in a string of recent technological advances (AI). That said, in the current digital era, no technology has advanced as quickly as AI. Today, practically every business is…
Does Motherboard Matter in Gaming? (Explained)
The motherboard is an essential factor in gaming because it is responsible for processing and sending data between different components in a computer system. The quality of the motherboard can affect the performance of the entire gaming system. There are many other factors to consider when choosing a motherboard for gaming, such as the processor…
What Parts Are Crucial to Build a Decent Gaming PC? (Explained)
To build a gaming PC, you need specific components. The most important part of a gaming PC is the graphics card you would also need a motherboard, processor, RAM, and power supply. The graphics card determines how well your games will run. Make sure to get a good motherboard and processor to match your graphics…
Is Call Of Duty Warzone a CPU or GPU Intensive? (Explained)
Call of Duty Warzone is a new game mode for the Call of Duty series. It is a free-to-play battle royale game that can be played with up to 150 players. The game is said to be CPU intensive, but is it also GPU intensive? In this article, we will take a look at what…
How Do I Fix Steam Client Webhelper High CPU Usage? (Explained)
Steam is a video gaming platform developed by Valve Corporation. It offers digital rights management (DRM), multiplayer gaming, video streaming, and social networking services. Steam provides its users with installation and automatic updating of games and community features such as friends lists and groups, cloud saving, and in-game voice and chat. Many gamers use Steam…
What’s the Best Motherboard for Liquid Cooling System (Explained)
Motherboards are not all created equal. Some are better for overclocking than others, and some are better suited for liquid cooling systems. If you’re looking to build a PC cooled by liquid, you’ll need to find a motherboard specifically designed for that purpose. This article will look at the best motherboards for liquid cooling systems.…
Easy Guides On How To Overclock CPU Without BIOs (Explained)
Do you want to overclock your CPU but don’t have a BIOS that supports overclocking? It’s not too difficult to do, as long as your motherboard supports it. We’ll show you how to overclock your CPU without a BIOS. You’ll need to find the multiplier for your CPU. To do this, open the Task Manager…
What are Possible consequences of a reduced CPU Supply in Taiwan (Explained)
It could lead to a shortage of CPUs (central processing units) in the global market, causing a spike in prices and reduced production. Taiwan is currently home to the world’s largest producers of computer chips, so a disruption in their operations would have far-reaching consequences. In this article, you get all the information related to…
Will the Ukraine War Affect the CPU, Why & How? (Explained)
The Ukraine War is a conflict that has been ongoing since 2014. It is between the Ukrainian government and Russian-backed separatists. The war has had a devastating effect on the people of Ukraine. More than 10,000 people have been killed, and over 1.5 million have been displaced. The war has also taken a toll on…
How Do I Fix Spectrum Online Light Blinking (Explained)
Spectrum online light blinking can be an annoyance, but it can also signify that something is wrong with your internet connection. This article will show you how to fix Spectrum online light blinking and get your internet back up and running. So, you get all the information related to How to Fix Spectrum Online Light…
The Best Budget Power Supply Series For Gaming PC (Explained)
Choosing the best power supply for your gaming PC can be daunting. You want to ensure you get a quality power supply that will power your system and stay within your budget. We will look at some of the best budget-friendly power supplies for gaming PCs and help you decide which one is right for…
How To Reduced RAM Usage On your Computer? (Explained)
In this article, we will discuss how to reduce the amount of RAM usage on PCs and laptops. We’ll be discussing the different ways you can do so and how much each method can save you. We’ll provide a few tips on how to keep your computer running as smoothly as possible. In this article,…
How Many Core Do I Need For Gaming? (Explained)
4 core is ideal but you may need more. In an age where technology constantly evolves, many people wonder how they can keep up. One of the most commonly asked about devices is the computer and, more specifically, gaming computers. How many cores do you need for gaming? Gamers ask this question every day to…
How To Overclock Core I9 9900K Processor? (Explained)
Overclocking is essential if you’re a PC gamer and want the best performance from your new Core I9 9900K processor. Overclocking can give your computer an extra boost in performance by increasing the clock speed of the processor. But how do you do it? This article will walk you through overclocking your Core I9 9900K…
How to Fix Backlight Bleeding on Led/LCD in Easy Steps (Explained)
If you have a laptop or other device with a backlight, you may experience bleeding or brightness issues when the light from the backlight hits the screen edge. This issue is often caused by a defective backlight bulb and can be fixed in a few easy steps. In this article, we discuss some helpful tips…
How to I Install Motherboard Drivers Without CD/Optical Drive? (Explained)
If you need to install motherboard drivers but don’t have a CD optical drive, there are several ways to go about it. You can download the drivers from the manufacturer’s website, or you can use a driver installation utility. You can also use a driver disk that comes with your motherboard. In all cases, make…
How To Move Mouse to Second Monitor when Gaming (Explained)
If you’re playing a game on one monitor and want to move the mouse to the second monitor for some additional screen real estate, your first instinct might be to use the Windows mouse control panel But that’s not always the best solution. Several third-party mouse-moving utilities can help you get the job done more…
How Do I Fix FTPM NV Corrupted On a Newly Installed CPU? (Explained)
If you have just installed a new CPU and it is showing signs of corruption, there are a few things you can do to try and fix the issue. Make sure you have installed the latest drivers for your motherboard and CPU. If you have updated your drivers, then reinstall them again. If that doesn’t…
Will Russia Invasion in Ukraine Inflate CPU Price? (Explained)
The recent events in Ukraine have caused many computer users to worry about the potential for a Russian invasion. While it’s still unclear what Russia’s true intentions are, military intervention in Ukraine could inflate the price of CPUs and other computer components. If Russia does invade, it will be necessary for computer users to be…
How To Fix BOOT BCD Error 0xc00000e9 in Windows 10 (Explained)
BOOT BCD Error 0xc00000e9 is a common issue when your computer starts up. This error message says there is a problem with the Boot Configuration Data (BCD) file. You can be able to fix this problem by following the steps we discuss below. In this article, you get all the information related to How to…
How Do I Fix the DXGMMS2.Sys Bsod Error? (Explained)
Suppose you are experiencing a DXGMMS2.Sys Bsod error, there are a few things you can do to try and fix the problem. Make sure that all of your hardware is up to date. Then make sure that your system has the correct drivers installed. Try running a scan for hardware issues. Fourth, check for any…
How Do I Fix Fortnite Denial Code 20 (Explained The Easy Steps)
If you are experiencing trouble with the Fortnite Denial of Service (DoS) attack, there are a few simple steps that you can take to try and resolve the issue: Ensure that your computer is up to date and has installed the latest antivirus software. Also, Try disabling any third-party add-ons or extensions you may use.…
How Do I Check Power Supply Specs On My PC System? (Explained)
When your computer is on, you can see how much power it’s using by looking at the system icons in the bottom right-hand corner of your screen. The icon that looks like a battery with a lightning bolt through it is the power indicator. If it has a red X on it, your computer is…
What Happens When China Stop CPU Production (Explained)
When China stops the production of CPUs, the global market will be affected. Many companies that manufacture CPUs rely on China for a large portion of their production. If China suddenly ceases production, these companies will have to find a new supplier or face significant financial losses. In addition, the global market for CPUs is…
Why Is My CPU Keep Turning Off (Explained)
Most people know their computer shuts off automatically after a set time, but what causes this? If your computer is shutting off too often, there may be a problem with its cooling system. Your processor may also be overheating and turning off to avoid damage. In some cases, a malicious software program may be to…
Is There a CPU Proof Of Work Algorithm in Blockchain? (Explained)
The use of blockchain technology has exploded in recent years. For those new to the concept, it can be a bit daunting to understand how it works and what potential implications it may have. This article will explore how blockchain affects CPUs and discuss the potential implications for businesses and consumers. What is a Blockchain?…
What Make a Good CPU (Explained)
A CPU (central processing unit) is the heart of your computer. It’s responsible for carrying out instructions that you give it, and it needs to be fast enough to handle the tasks at hand. Many things make a good CPU, but the most important thing is that it should be fast and efficient. A fast…
What Liquid Cooler is Better For My CPU?(Explained)
CPUs are designed to run at high speeds and under heavy loads. However, over time, the CPU will become less efficient as the heat generated by the processor builds up. A liquid cooler can help mitigate this issue by circulating a cold liquid throughout the CPU and graphics card, helping to keep them more relaxed…
How to Test Motherboard Without CPU (Explained)
Testing motherboards without CPUs can be daunting, but ensuring compatibility with other components in your build is important. There are a few different methods that can be useful to test motherboards without CPUs, and each has its benefits and drawbacks. This article discusses some of the most common methods for testing motherboards without CPUs. Can…
How Do You Install Liquid CPU Cooler (Explained)
Liquid CPU coolers are becoming more popular because they offer several benefits over traditional air-cooled CPUs. They are quieter, offer longer life spans, and require no maintenance. However, liquid CPU coolers can be difficult to install. This guide will walk you through the steps needed to install a Liquid CPU cooler. In this article, you…
How often should I reapply thermal paste for my CPU & GPU?(Explained)
Everyone in this discussion claims it has been years since they last one. “I’ve tried a slew of them and change them every three to six months, since even the finest pastes harden with time. I’m using Thermalright TF8, and it’s doing the same thing”. So in this article, we will cover How often should…
How Much CPU does the GeForce RTX 3080 need?(Explained)
For NVIDIA’s GeForce RTX 3080, the best processor (CPU) won’t be slowed down by the card’s colossal amount of raw processing power. AMD Ryzen 5000 series CPUs are an excellent fit in this situation, but Intel’s 12th Gen “Alder Lake” Core processors are also up there. For this study, we’ve brought out some of the…
How Does cache Memory improve Overall performance of CPU?(Explained)
Cache memory plays a crucial role in computers. Advanced computer systems, including desktop PCs, servers in enterprise data centers, and cloud-based computing resources, have a small amount of high-speed static random access memory (SRAM) that is very close to the central processing unit (CPU). This memory is cache memory. Even though its small size compared…
Hot To Get rid of Chrome.exe. Showing up & using lot of CPU?(Explained)
Many people are concerned about using Chrome’s CPU, but it is not always clear what the problem is or how to fix it. If you’re experiencing screen or mouse breaks, fast-draining batteries, or your laptop is having trouble using hot or fast; this could result from excessive CPU usage in Chrome. While other issues are…
How Do I run my game on GPU instead of CPU?(Explained)
If you have a gaming computer, chances are you’ll find two graphics cards in it. An integrated onboard graphics card and a more robust dedicated graphics card. Some games use onboard graphics cards instead of dedicated ones, and since onboard graphics cards are not powerful enough to process games, you will get very few frames…
How Do I Reduce Chrome CPU Usage?(Explained)
Google Chrome is the fastest performing browser available today, but it comes at a price. To be that fast, it needs to use more CPU than other browsers, and more CPU usage means more battery drain. It is one of the many reasons not to use Chrome on laptops. Its high reliance on the CPU…
How Do I make my own CPU from scratch?(Explained)
Do you want to build your CPU? It’s fun, but you don’t think it’s as tricky. I have done many CPUs over the years, and there is no shortage of other custom CPUs, ranging from earnest endeavors to computers made from single chips to computers built with relays. Not to minimize the effort, but the…
How can you make an external CPU? (Explained)
Some computer users may use their laptops to make videos, edit photos, or record songs. In general, their notebooks run slowly in these situations. Some people will want to build another state-of-the-art fast desktop, while others are wondering if they can add an extra CPU processor to their existing machine. Just like external hard drives…
How do I check my CPU System Specs?(Explained)
Checking your computer’s specifications is a relatively simple operation. Whether you want to update your PC and need your system’s specs to know what type of new PC hardware you can purchase, or you’re going to sell your current plan. You need to know your specs to post them in your ad. We’ll take you…
How do I know if I can overclock my CPU? (Explained)
Whether you’re a beginner or mediate in the PC world, you’ve probably heard of CPU overclocking. This exercise helps PC enthusiasts to get all the power available from the CPU and use it to perform gaming, programming, designing and editing, and other heavy tasks. Some CPU models are designed entirely for overclocking, while others are…
Which Motherboard Should You Buy for your CPU?(Explained)
If you want to build your PC or buy a pre-built PC that you want to upgrade or upgrade later, there is one component that will serve as its foundation. That component is the motherboard, an essential part of the PC puzzle. It determines the many other features you can choose from, as well as…
How Powerful is the Apple M1 chip?(Explained)
Apple released the first Mac in November 2020 with the Arm-based M1 chip, launching the 2020 13-inch MacBook Pro, MacBook Air, and MacMini models. In early 2021, Apple introduced the M1 iMac and M1 iPad Pro. The M1 chip has become more popular due to its incredible performance and is the result of Apple’s more…
Does Mining Bitcoin Damage The CPU? (Explained)
Overheating should be your first worry with any essential piece of PC hardware. Unsafe temperatures in critical components (such as your GPU and CPU) might result in failure and irreversible harm to your system. Take heart, those who are breaking out in a cold sweat! The worst-case scenario is a blue screen or shutdown.…
How Do you apply thermal paste to a CPU?(Explained)
If you’ve gone into the realm of PC building, you’ve no doubt heard of thermal paste. This substance is also known as thermal grease, heat paste, CPU paste, thermal gel, and thermal interface material (TIM), among other names. Whatever you name it, the accurate thermal paste application is vital to ensure your CPU is running…
Does using a second monitor Affect CPU Usage?(Explained)
That is dependent on how it is connected and whether it is used in the mirror or expand mode. Attached to the GPU and in mirror mode, the additional demand will be minor. Using in develop mode adds extra stress to the CPU, and connecting through another port, such as USB, adds substantially more –…
Does OverClocking Decrease CPU longevity?(Explained)
Let’s talk about overclocking – does it reduce the age of your CPU or GPU? So, how and what factors facilitate the longevity of your hardware? We will discuss these and related questions in this article, so by the end of the day, you should have a good understanding of how overclocking can affect the…
Can I Overclock My CPU, Why Not? (Explained)
Yes, you can do so but in a moderate manner though, plus, follow the right guide, overclock can make your computer perform better if you do it in the right way. You’ll want to overclock through BIOS if you want maximum control over the process. This article will bring you through the entire process, from…
How Do I Choose a Gaming CPU?(Explained)
How do I choose a gaming CPU? We know CPUs are durable and can last for years with proper maintenance, but PC technology constantly evolves. State-of-the-art gaming CPUs use high-speed clock speeds, large cache sizes, and many threads, allowing for improved performance when paired with advanced compatible hardware. The best CPU for gaming has a…
Can I Fit Any CPU I Want to My Laptop? (Explained)
No, you can not, technically, it is possible to upgrade your laptop processor from i5 to i7. However, the general idea is that upgrading a laptop is impossible because of how CPUs are placed on the laptop’s motherboard. If your laptop has Intel Core i5 and you want more CPU power, then upgrading to Intel…
How to connect CPU to laptop & use it as monitor
A computer monitor may boost productivity, save time and effort, and provide a more conducive environment for higher output. There is also a cost savings component, and a justification for laptops and tablets with a computer screen is that it combines the best of the two. So you have a laptop, and you want to…
What’s A Good PC Temperature While Gaming?(Explained)
Your PC temperature is very important. It’s important to keep it as cool as possible to ensure that your computer runs smoothly and lasts longer. In this article, we’ll show you how to keep your computer’s temperature under control and we will explore what temperature is best for gaming and how you can keep it…
How Can I Add Multiple Monitors to a Single CPU?(Explained)
Adding multiple monitors to a single CPU can increase the productivity of an individual user or allow for multitasking between different applications. A few methods exist for attaching monitors to a PC, but each has advantages and disadvantages. Using a video card with dual monitor support can create the most flexible solution, while using a…
How Much Would It Take To Build My Own GPU and CPU?(Explained)
Building your GPU and CPU can be a fun and affordable way to get the performance you need without spending money. According to PCWorld, it will cost between $200 and $1,000 to build a custom GPU or CPU, respectively. However, some of the more advanced hardware may require more expensive components. So, if you’re looking…
How Are the instruction sets protected? (Explained)
Several patents and copyrights effectively protect the instruction sets of processors. This holds for both modern processors and older ones that have been retrofitted with newer technology. Patent protection is important to ensure that companies can profit from their innovations, while copyright ensures that code developers can be properly compensated for their work. In practice,…